Be ready to impress at your next training session with our Self-Publishing Library
As an add-on to our customizable training materials, create eBooks, hardcopy books, and even audiobooks that match our Soft Skills Library. We striped out any reference to group work and re-wrote sections to read less like a workbook and more like a “quick read business book”.
We provide everything print-ready, simply insert your name as the author, add your edits/anecdotes to make it your own, and complete the About the Author section.
Download a book now and see how easy it is to become a published author!
And similar to the print-on-demand books, you'll also get audiobook versions of each title as read by professional voice talent. Simply record an introduction by you as the author, to make it your own.
Listen to a sample now:
We’re providing you with non-exclusive republishing rights, allowing you to sell these books, eBooks and audiobooks. You can use them as giveaways, sell them at the back of the room after a workshop or on your site, or even use them as lead captures!