Course Outline
Module One: Getting Started
- Icebreaker
- Housekeeping Items
- The Parking Lot
- Workshop Objectives
Module Two: A Psychological Approach
- Herzberg's Theory Of Motivation
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- The Two Models and Motivation
Module Three: Object-Oriented Theory
- The Carrot
- The Whip
- The Plant
Module Four: Using Reinforcement Theory
- A History of Reinforcement Theory
- Behavior Modification in Four Steps
- Appropriate Uses in the Workplace
Module Five: Using Expectancy Theory
- A History of Expectancy Theory
- Understanding the Three Factors
- Using the Three Factors to Motivate in the Workplace
Module Six: Personality's Role in Motivation
- Identifying Your Personality Type
- Identifying Others' Personality Type
- Motivators by Personality Type
Module Seven: Setting Goals
- Goals and Motivation
- Setting SMART Goal
- Evaluating and Adapting
Module Eight: A Personal Toolbox
- Building Your Own Motivational Plan
- Encouraging Growth and Development
- Getting Others to See the Glass Half-Full
Module Nine: Motivation On the Job
- The Key Factors
- Creating a Motivational Organization
- Creating a Motivational Job
Module Ten: Addressing Specific Morale Issues
- Dealing with Individual Morale Problems
- Addressing Team Morale
- What To Do When the Whole Company is De-Motivated
Module Eleven: Keeping Yourself Motivated
- Identifying Personal Motivators
- Maximizing Your Motivators
- Evaluating and Adapting
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
- Words from the Wise
- Review of Parking Lot
- Lessons Learned
- Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations